This is the only doctor in history that has successfully reversed heart disease. Clinically proven & established in the medical community. If you have
benn_5099· Review provided by ·
June 3, 2024This is the only doctor in history that has successfully reversed heart disease. Clinically proven & established in the medical community. If you have heart disease yo need this book!
Halt and Reverse your Heart Disease
skiman1920· Review provided by ·
July 28, 2021I purchased this book in a panic after being diagnosed with severe heart disease at age 65. My cardiac calcium score exceeded 600. Showing severe plaque build up. I had thought differently before the test...being active and athletic all my life but encountering higher blood pressure...gut and autoimmune issues. Dr. ESSELSTYN in a long and storied career as a cardiologist at Mayo clinic proves in this book how simply eating smarter and moving toward a plant dairy and no red meat diet can heal your etholium heart muscle ..and turn back heart disease starting in 3 weeks...pretty incredible claim but with lots of case studies and proof.. I can do this...I thought and I Did...its been over 1 year ago now ....and O have not felt this good in over 20 years and would never go back to the standard American diet. In 4 weeks from starting the plant based diet My weight dropped 25 lbs from 200 to 175..and has stayed at about 175 for over a year..I am 6 foot jogging and running times have decreased from 9.30 minute miles for a 10k jog to just over an 7 minute mile for me in over 20 years...with no soreness or pain. My IBS gut issues which have been with me for over 10 years went away by week 3 as the book said they total cholesterol dropped from 230 to less than 150 with ldl decreasing by over 50 ratios have been great all year..skiing and other outdoor sports including mountain hiking have become easy...seriously if you stay on this and don't cheat ..workout a bit and add in some yoga and pilates for core will feel amazing .. Providing the incentive to stick with the program! Give this a go!
Definitely a good, informative read
· Review provided by ·
March 11, 2024Whether or not you currently have heart disease or any other chronic illness for that matter, this book has the potential to change, improve and prolong your life. I’m not saying the plan is easy to follow but it’s definitely worth trying your best. It shows you how to take control over your health rather than just blaming it on genetics.
Renowned Doctors lifetime study on plant based diet Healing and Health restoration
ajp· Review provided by ·
January 17, 2022This is the most informative book on health related heart and artery information you will ever need. It provides a guide to heal the body and educate people on what is the actual culprits that attack our bodies causing artery blockages, fatty deposits and is the key book on how to fix these troublesome issues we face as we age. Clogged arteries, excess cholesterol deposits in the heart and arteries that cause havoc as we age are addressed by Doctor Caldwell. I encourage anyone who wants to change how they live, heal the body and renew your energy and health and even reverse crippling heart related illnesses to read this book. Learning to fast and eat a plant based diet will restore vigor and health in a matter of months......
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