Signs and Wonders: Finding Deeper Significance in the Miracles of Jesus [Book]
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Arrives Jan 30
: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Religion
: Paul Vincent Turner
: Westbow Press, paperback
Signs and Wonders will transport you into the distant and unfamiliar world of first century Palestine. There you'll walk with Jesus through dusty hill towns and along rocky shorelines of Galilee as He begins to gather and train His band of young disciples, revealing Himself to them through His miraculous signs. The journey begins with an exploration of the miracles as a comprehensive body of work by Jesus, comparable in every way to His sermons and parables. The miracles are revealed as far more than isolated displays of power; they are in fact multi-faceted tools used by Jesus to teach, reprove, reward and strengthen faith, refute false teaching, fulfill prophecy and, above all else, glorify His beloved Heavenly Father. Gripping narratives recreate not just the miracles but the rich tapestry of personalities and circumstances which surrounds them. You'll experience these incomparable acts with an immediacy and depth of context rivaling that of an actual first century eyewitness. Throughout it all you'll be immersed in the sweeping history and exotic customs of the time, discovering along your way the answers to some of our most perplexing questions about the miracles: - Why did Jesus use so many different "techniques" to heal? - How could a woman be healed without Him even knowing about it? - Why did Jesus have to try a second time to restore one man's eyesight? - How did Moses help to put the silver coin in the fish's mouth? - Why was Jesus so rude to the Canaanite woman...and to His own mother? - What "destructive" miracle did He perform, and what lesson did it teach?
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