The Edinburgh edition of Walter Scott's "Waverley" novels presents an edition for modern readers incorporating an essay on the text, an emendation list, explanatory notes and a glossary. This edition hopes to bring to its audience what the first readers might have been offered had the process of transmission from manuscript to print not been so hastily performed. The edition will be in 30 volumes, published at a rate of two or three a year. This volume presents "A Legend of the Wars of Montrose". Against the background of Montrose's campaign of 1644-45, this spirited novel centres on Scott's memorable character, Sir Dugald Dalgetty of Drumthwacket. A veteran of the Thirty Years War, newly returned to Scotland to sell his fighting skills to the highest bidder, this hard-headed Aberdonian contrasts tellingly with the weird and passionate Highland feud with which he becomes perilously entangled.