"Trungpa Rinpoche's mastery of the dharma reveals within this apparently simple teaching a ceaseless profundity of inestimable value for both beginners and advanced practitioners."--John Daido Loori.
The selected writings in this volume range from older articles originally published in the Vajradhatu Sun to recently edited articles, including several that have not yet appeared in print.
That’s what the Shambhala teachings are all about—and this is the book that has been presenting them to a wide and appreciative audience for more than twenty years.
Divided into three parts, the book begins with a discussion about the open, inquisitive, and good-humored qualities of the “heart of the Buddha”—an “enlightened gene” that everyone possesses.
Trungpa's unique ability to express the essence of Buddhist teachings in the language and imagery of contemporary American culture makes this book one of the best, most accessible sources of the Buddhist doctrine ever written.
This fascinating book examines the life of Padmasambhava, or Guru Rinpoche—the revered Indian teacher who brought Buddhism to Tibet—to illustrate the principle of crazy wisdom.
It is the essential spiritual practice—and nothing else is more important. In The Path is the Goal, Chögyam Trungpa teaches us to let go of the urge to make meditation serve our ambition; thus we can relax into openness.