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... Ingegnere , in I libri dell'Ingegnere , Universitā di Bologna , Bologna 1990 ; Il patrimonio librario antico della biblioteca d'Ingegneria , a cura di B. Brunelli , C. Bucchioni , M. P. Torricelli , Bologna 1992 ; D. Negrini , Dal fondo ...
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A comprehensive account of ancient surveying instruments together with translations of all the ancient sources.
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This work systematically investigates and reconstructs the practical knowledge Galileo shared during his lifetime.
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This book casts new light on the process that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries led to a profound transformation in the study of nature with the emergence of mechanistic philosophy, the new mixed mathematics, and the establishment ...
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... libra- ria , 1900. 16 ° . p . 255 . Aspira- Napoli , Manuali del medico ... Bologna , tip . Gamberini e Parmeggiani , 1900. 4 ° fig . p . 20 . 8594 ... INGEGNERIA - FERROVIE 8599. Cenni ( Brevi ) sui progetti idroelet- trici per ...
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... Bologna , diretta dal prof . D. Ma- jocchi ) . Bologna , tip . Gamberini e ... INGEGNERIA - FERROVIE 1226. Byrne e Spon . Dizionario di inge- gneria civile ... libra- ria , 1897. 8 ° fig . p . 513-560 , con due tavole . L.1.50 il ...
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Mining the rich documentary sources housed in Tuscan archives and taking advantage of the breadth and depth of scholarship produced in recent years, the seventeen essays in this Companion to Cosimo I de' Medici provide a fresh and ...
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This updated edition includes two new quick references on verbs, grammar, and sentence structure; two new appendixes on Italian synonyms and popular idiomatic phrases; and updated business and money sections. • First two editions have ...
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... libra- rio . Ivi giunge nel 1490 Lucantonio Giunta , della cele- bre famiglia fiorentina di impressori . Anche ... Bologna di incidere quel celebre corsivo italico , o aldino , che da lui prese il nome e che ancora oggi č uno dei ...
libra ingegneria bologna from
... INGEGNERIA - FERROVIE. Piccola biblioteca di scienze moderne , no 31 . Cfr ... Bologna , ditta Nicola Zanichelli tip . edit . , 1901. 8 ° . p . 66. L. 2 ... libra- ria , 1901. 8 ° . p . 31 . 1148. Golebiewski dott . Ed . Atlante e ...