... Frederick 10. Smith, thu VJrlUBh attorney Kenoral, at a date earlior than Intended, and to roferenceu In author ... Fred- ir-lck 10. Smith wan quite the happlent Helectlon for a mlmilon of thin kind. * * AmorlciuiH would tit every he ...
... Smith, of Custer township. Edward Bowers on tlm Loxeti farm in Author in hustling his farm work. IIo reports \vheat ... Fred Soa'vy from Sherman township lost his Dayton wheel last week at Ludington. The wheel has been run one season. Look ...
... (Smith) Baron Rogers, b g. (Me .2 I 1 l)al»y Field, oh. in. . (Gors- . .1 trathie M.. g. in. (Me S 4 4 Prussia Olrl. ward » .4 10 3 Kitty Blossom, br. r. m. . . . 3 S Douglass T. g. g. . (Fra- .5 (J in Author ... Fred Pabst at the pole. 1'lie ...
... Smith College. Tho resignation of Dr. Helen Da! Inn Bragdon as fifth president of UIR college which was announced lost month, becomes effective Sept . «. Dr. Bragon has been named director of. the American Awsoclatlon of University ...
... sum up the career of John O'Hara, f» writer, he replied: "Better than anyone else, he told the truth about his time, the first half of the twentieth century. He was a professional. He wrote honestly aadwell." By MILES A. SMITH.
bMW» AURITON and Smith Witt Bi -bit ta CTCS ta to- i Dt Al «tit Mi HIM. M ... F. Prevatte, Luraberton; J. C. ft B. H. SUnsel AHcnton; Purvis Lcggett, R. 2 ... in author- .••/•*;•" I ite y. the the rT best State a*.,- Jerseya *A ...
... Smith. Arthur Peabody and Roy Silloway. 't f. The next meeting will be Me mortal night In charge of Mrs Ruth Richardson. The annual Music Festival of the Ernest G. Sherburne school _ svas presented at the Town Hall before a large ...
... Frederick Roberts, who bas been vis- Special to the FREE PBESS. ment cil ... University at the Packer and Memorial organist Church of tbe ot and ... Smith _ 100 s 00 00 Mary Nennsteil of Easton, South Side. Power company, he ...
... in author- 1 Auerneck ity — dealing vvltn the public, or in 'Peter Allan matters pertaining to numbers ol Wendy Allan people, , or managing functions f or | Mildred Anderson children— be very careful, thoughtful. jEdmond May 21 to June ...