inauthor: Edward McCrady from
... Edward McCrady Jr., 536–37 (Madison, Wis.: Brant and Fuller, 1892). 9. Ibid., 387–88. 10. Tindall, South Carolina ... in author's possession, originally published in serial form by the Chester Reporter in July 1948. For Robertson ...
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
... In author Elizabeth Ellet's third volume of The Women of the American Revolu- tion , published in 1856 , she ... Edward McCrady , The His- tory of South Carolina in the Revolution : 1780-1783 ( New York : Macmillan , 1902 ) , 95 ...
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
... in author- ity is because they regard us as an alien Church . " " But fundamentally , " he added , " the hostility ... Edward McCrady con- gratulated the Rt . Rev. Frank A. Juhan , the university's director of development , on the ...
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
... in author's possession ) . 85 Mary Elizabeth Massey , " The Confederate Refugees in North Carolina , " N.C. Historical ... Edward L. L'Engle , Mar. 18 , 1862 , Edward McCrady L'Engle Papers , Southern Historical Collection ; Massey ...
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
This volume covers this broad and complex area of interrelated issues. The contributions focus on religious and spiritual meaning making and transformation.
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
In this reconstruction of the history of the Catawba Indians, Charles M. Hudson first considers the "external history" of the Catawba peoples, based on reports by such outsiders as explorers, missionaries, and government officials.
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
... Edward . From One of the Gang . In Survey , Vol . XXXVI , p . 203 , May 20 ... in author's Latter - Day Problems . Lee , Joseph . Play in Education . 500 ... McCrady , J. R. Babies at Play . In Charities , Vol . XIV , p . 973-75 ...
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
Albert Edward McKinley. was reserved upon all lands thus granted , to be paid ... in Author- ity , " questioned the legality of the election , but ... McCrady , History of South Carolina under the Proprietary Govern- ment , 120 ...
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
"Whether you are entering the field of addictions counseling or are a counselor who wants to be prepared for the screening, assessment, and treatment of addiction in your practice, this text provides a foundational basis.
inauthor: Edward McCrady from
... in Author Catalogue for Government Publications . ] Biography- D 22 Q 19 ... Edward Gibbon Politics- Australasian Democracy Life and Progress in ... McCrady , E. B 16 U 11 McCrady , E. B 17 Q 33 Johns Hopkins University ...