Ford Granada from
PWI OWNERS REPORT: FORD GRANADA/MERCURY MONARCH. Is. the. similarity. to. Mercedes. more. than. skin. deep? A nationwide survey based on 990,295 owner-driven miles. by Michael Lamm WEST COAST EDITOR Photos by the author Granada and Monarch ...
Ford Granada from
... Ford Granada, though, styling again provides the major incentive to buy. Nearly half the owners we surveyed listed styling as the chief factor in influencing their purchase decisions. And in living with the Granada, most found the car's ...
Ford Granada from
SUMMARY OF 1981 FORD GRANADA OWNERS REPORTS1 Styling 53.5% Handling 42.0 Comfort 30.0 Economy 21.0 Ride 19.3 Specific dislikes: No complaints Gas mileage below expectations Rattles and noises Harsh ride Poor workmanship What changes ...
Ford Granada from
... Ford Granada. The first Granada wagon ever. Ford is proud to introduce the first Granada wagon — with all the style of Granada and more cargo room than any American-built wagon in its -*' - ' •- _. FORD. New Jersejrfphoto) before 1969 ...
Ford Granada from
Ford Granada four-door sedan is shown in a dimensional comparison with the Mercedes-Benz 280 (the Mercury Monarch varies only slightly from the Granada in some dimensions). Recognizing Mercedes' design efficiency, Ford used the 280 as a ...
Ford Granada from
OWNERS REPORT: FORD GRANADA (Continued from page 32B) Granada proved to have ample interior room, and a high quality of workmanship. The most common choice of engine was in-line Six, that owners claimed was weak. Michigan school ...