i am mentally divergent

Dowager Empresses Of All Fatassia

  • 8th September
  • 08
I just read Charisma Carpenter’s interview in GoreZone Magazine’s September Issue and it seriously made me so upset all over again. Especially this part:
“ Season Four was not a personal high in the actress’ career. Radical changes were made to...

I just read Charisma Carpenter’s interview in GoreZone Magazine’s September Issue and it seriously made me so upset all over again. Especially this part:

Season Four was not a personal high in the actress’ career. Radical changes were made to Cordelia’s character, which resulted in her seducing Angel’s teenage son, Connor and becoming the ‘big bad’ as the main story arc villians were referred to. Additionally, Carpenter was pregnant, which had to be written into the series.

“I really disliked the storyline and I was pregnant. I just didn’t like Cordelia and Connor together. I really didn’t like that. But I like being the villian at the end although I didn’t like playing the villian. I didn’t think I was very good at it, so it was kind of an embarassing time. There are a few reasons. My hair was awful, it was growing out [laughs].”

Then later:

“Yeah - it’s a sensitive subject. I was very hurt to learn that I was not invited back for Season Five. They had contacted James Marsters and James was to be the fill-in for Cordelia.

I remember in all the interviews, it was like I was never part of the series, at all. I’m sure Joss Whedon was disappointed in me for being pregnant, which I know he was. I’ve heard in his interviews that David Boreanaz never had chemistry with any woman until James came along. James’ character Spike is not a woman, clearly, but they had a really good chemistry.

So it just really hurt, and I didn’t know that I wasn’t coming back and I found out in a really lame way from the press. I would’ve like to have gotten a heads-up on that. So, it’s a really delicate thing for me, because I can understand where Joss was coming from, but I don’t think it’s wrong for me to say that I was really disappointed and very hurt by the way it went down.”

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  7. noropro-blog reblogged this from angelophile and added:
    Holy shit. She deserved so much fucking better than that.
  8. angelophile reblogged this from ladyloveandjustice and added:
    In which Charisma Carpenter is more tactful than Whedon *puttup!* ever deserves.
  9. merlosaurusunactive reblogged this from xlivvielockex and added:
    Massive spoilers for Angel to follow (Also, why are all the headlines on this mag cover about porn and “baring” things?...
  10. sternenmeer reblogged this from xlivvielockex and added:
    How disappointing. And this is why I still haven’t seen season 5 of Angel - I felt so disconnected from everything in...
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