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Twelve of Keith Richards' strongest looks to embrace this year

‘I’m happy to be here’, Keith once said. ‘I’m happy to be anywhere.’ Well, maybe anywhere but in the slammer. Taken just after the infamous Toronto heroin bust of ’78 that nearly saw Mister Richards locked up and the end of the Stones, Keith here shows us just how far a simple scarf can go in jazzing up an outfit, and what a thing of beauty a proper double-breasted blazer can be. Despite the heat under those stage lights and the man’s need to move about, he’s done the double-breast justice by keeping it buttoned up. He’s not a total fashion victim, though; who says you can’t roll up the sleeves when you need to get your hands dirty with a killer riff? We dare say it makes him look like even more of a stud.Getty Images

I wasn’t looking too good,’ he sang on ‘Before They Make Me Run’, ‘but I was feelin’ real well.’ If ever there’s ever been an understatement in the annals of rock and roll, it’s this. Even at his most wasted and decrepit, there wasn’t a single being around — man, woman, or otherwise — who didn’t want to look, act, and live like Keith Richards. In this respect, not much has changed, despite the fact that he turned seventy-five in December. Mick Jagger may have the moves, but it’s Keith who, for the past fifty-something years, has reigned supreme in terms of style and swagger. His riffery aside, his looks and attitude in and of themselves have inspired countless figures past and present in music, fashion, and even film. He may not be God, as one tabloid back in the day reported the Pope to have declared, but some would argue that he sure comes close. Here are twelve iconic Keith looks — and how to get ’em.